SharpRaw for Digital Photography
SharpRaw is the only software product to
use Neural Network technology to perform interpolation of raw data files to
produce the highest possible resolution with the lowest noise. SharpRaw can
process Minolta MRW, Canon CRW, Fuji RAF, Nikon NEF and Olympus ORF raw
files. Pro Version now supports the Adobe Digital Negative.
Not only for RAW files, SharpRaw can
process JPG, TIFF and BMP files for levels, color correction chromatic
aberration and distortion correction.
SharpRaw outputs corrected images as JPG,
TIFF, BMP or PhotoShop (48bit) PSD files.
Logical Designs is actively developing new
and better features for SharpRaw. Once you purchase SharpRaw, ALL
future UPDATES are FREE. Get up to three machines with one license fee.
Dragon Fly image is 1:1 crop from Canon 20D
using a Hasselblad 120 S-Planar lens and adaptor processed with SharpRaw.
Why Use RAW Format
The RAW format is your "digital negative". It contains all
the information that the camera has about a picture. Information is
lost in the conversion to JPG in the camera. If you get the settings
wrong in the camera and take a picture, it's too late. You're stuck
with the picture and can do only a limited amount of correcting in your
favorite image editor. So when you need the best from you camera, shoot
SharpRaw lets you adjust every feature of the image starting from the
digital negative. Every characteristic of the picture can be modified
including the color balance, contrast, sharpness, distortion, and
Make you inexpensive camera perform like a Pro Camera. SharpRaw is
great at generating consistent results between cameras. Since the
interpolation and color correction is performed in SharpRaw, differences
between cameras are minimized.
Why waste pixels? SharpRaw and SharpRaw Pro are the only
products that use every pixel on the sensor in generating the output
image. That means that your Canon 20D will be an 8.27mp camera, not an
8.18mp as advertised (output image is 3522x2348 not 3504x2336).
Get Perfect Color Correction with Neural Networks
The filters on your digital camera's CCD do not exactly match the color
response of you eye. To correctly map what the camera
"sees" to what you see requires a color correction operation.
SharpRaw and SharpRaw Pro perform accurate color correction by training
neural nets on images of calibrated color targets to get the most accurate
color. Furthermore, if you purchase the SharpRaw Color target you can
train you own color correction nets for optimal performance with your camera,
and lighting conditions. SharpRaw Pro now uses the XYZ nets so that one
net can be used for multiple color spaces. SharpRaw Pro also has
built-in White Balance Compensation to fine tune your camera's camera
recorded white balance.
Download the Software…
Pro $19.95
Color Target $39.00
Purchase the Software…
Raw file interpolation (6 methods).
Auto white balancing (3 methods) including camera recorded white balance.
Lens Distortion Correction.
Color Balance Correction.
Trainable Neural Network Color Correction using Macbeth ColorChecker.
Trainable Neural Network Color Correction using SharpRaw Color Target.
Trainable Neural Network Color Correction using IT8 Color Target (Pro
Image Resize with Perspective Control.
Image Rotation with no loss of detail.
Levels and Equalizer Color Correction.
Batch Processing of Images.
Blurring Filter.
Median Filter with color only mode (Pro Version).
Unsharp Mask Filter.
Zipper Filter for alternating pixel artifacts.
Trainable Neural Network Sharpening Filter (Pro
Multiple Image Averaging for higher resolution and lower noise (Pro Version).
Image Combining for increased Depth of Field (Pro
Image Combining for increased Dynamic
Range (better shadow detail) (Pro Version).
Image Combining of Dark Frame Subtraction (Pro
Image Flat Field Correction (Pro Version).
Trainable Image Chromatic Aberration Correction (Pro
Trainable Noise Minimization (Pro Version).
Trainable Deconvolution Sharpening (In Development) (Pro Version).
Printer Profiling using the SharpRaw Calibrated Color Target (In
Development) (Pro Version)
Panorama Stitching (In Development).
Supported Cameras
Thanks in part to Dave Coffin's decoding software (rev 8.98) the current
list is growing...
- Adobe Digital Negative (DNG)
- AgfaPhoto DC-833m
- Apple QuickTake 100
- Apple QuickTake 150
- Apple QuickTake 200
- AVT F-080C
- AVT F-145C
- AVT F-201C
- AVT F-510C
- AVT F-810C
- Canon PowerShot 600
- Canon PowerShot A5
- Canon PowerShot A5 Zoom
- Canon PowerShot A50
- Canon PowerShot A460 (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot A470 (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot A530 (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot A570 (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot A590 (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot A610 (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot A620 (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot A630 (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot A640 (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot A650 (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot A710 IS (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot A720 IS (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot Pro70
- Canon PowerShot Pro90 IS
- Canon PowerShot Pro1
- Canon PowerShot G1
- Canon PowerShot G2
- Canon PowerShot G3
- Canon PowerShot G5
- Canon PowerShot G6
- Canon PowerShot G7 (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot G9
- Canon PowerShot G10
- Canon PowerShot G11
- Canon PowerShot S2 IS (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot S3 IS (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot S5 IS (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot SD300 (CHDK hack)
- Canon PowerShot S30
- Canon PowerShot S40
- Canon PowerShot S45
- Canon PowerShot S50
- Canon PowerShot S60
- Canon PowerShot S70
- Canon PowerShot SX1 IS
- Canon PowerShot SX110 IS (CHDK hack)
- Canon EOS D30
- Canon EOS D60
- Canon EOS 5D
- Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- Canon EOS 7D
- Canon EOS 10D
- Canon EOS 20D
- Canon EOS 30D
- Canon EOS 40D
- Canon EOS 50D
- Canon EOS 300D / Digital Rebel / Kiss Digital
- Canon EOS 350D / Digital Rebel XT / Kiss Digital N
- Canon EOS 400D / Digital Rebel XTi / Kiss Digital X
- Canon EOS 450D / Digital Rebel XSi / Kiss Digital X2
- Canon EOS 500D / Digital Rebel T1i / Kiss Digital X3
- Canon EOS 1000D / Digital Rebel XS / Kiss Digital F
- Canon EOS D2000C
- Canon EOS-1D
- Canon EOS-1DS
- Canon EOS-1D Mark II
- Canon EOS-1D Mark III
- Canon EOS-1D Mark II N
- Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II
- Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III
- Casio QV-2000UX
- Casio QV-3000EX
- Casio QV-3500EX
- Casio QV-4000
- Casio QV-5700
- Casio QV-R41
- Casio QV-R51
- Casio QV-R61
- Casio EX-S20
- Casio EX-S100
- Casio EX-Z4
- Casio EX-Z50
- Casio EX-Z55
- Casio EX-Z60
- Casio EX-Z75
- Casio EX-Z850
- Casio Exlim Pro 505
- Casio Exlim Pro 600
- Casio Exlim Pro 700
- Contax N Digital
- Creative PC-CAM 600
- Epson R-D1
- Foculus 531C
- Fuji FinePix E550
- Fuji FinePix E900
- Fuji FinePix F700
- Fuji FinePix F710
- Fuji FinePix F800
- Fuji FinePix F810
- Fuji FinePix S2Pro
- Fuji FinePix S3Pro
- Fuji FinePix S5Pro
- Fuji FinePix S20Pro
- Fuji FinePix S100FS
- Fuji FinePix S5000
- Fuji FinePix S5100/S5500
- Fuji FinePix S5200/S5600
- Fuji FinePix S6000fd
- Fuji FinePix S7000
- Fuji FinePix S9000/S9500
- Fuji FinePix S9100/S9600
- Fuji IS-1
- Hasselblad CFV
- Hasselblad H3D
- Hasselblad V96C
- Imacon Ixpress 16-megapixel
- Imacon Ixpress 22-megapixel
- Imacon Ixpress 39-megapixel
- ISG 2020x1520
- Kodak DC20
- Kodak DC25
- Kodak DC40
- Kodak DC50
- Kodak DC120
- Kodak DCS200
- Kodak DCS315C
- Kodak DCS330C
- Kodak DCS420
- Kodak DCS460
- Kodak DCS460A
- Kodak DCS520C
- Kodak DCS560C
- Kodak DCS620C
- Kodak DCS620X
- Kodak DCS660C
- Kodak DCS660M
- Kodak DCS720X
- Kodak DCS760C
- Kodak DCS760M
- Kodak EOSDCS1
- Kodak EOSDCS3B
- Kodak NC2000F
- Kodak ProBack
- Kodak PB645C
- Kodak PB645H
- Kodak PB645M
- Kodak DCS Pro 14n
- Kodak DCS Pro 14nx
- Kodak DCS Pro SLR/c
- Kodak DCS Pro SLR/n
- Kodak C330
- Kodak C603
- Kodak P850
- Kodak P880
- Kodak Z980
- Kodak Z1015
- Kodak KAI-0340
- Konica KD-400Z
- Konica KD-510Z
- Leaf AFi 7
- Leaf Aptus 17
- Leaf Aptus 22
- Leaf Aptus 54S
- Leaf Aptus 65
- Leaf Aptus 75
- Leaf Aptus 75S
- Leaf Cantare
- Leaf CatchLight
- Leaf CMost
- Leaf DCB2
- Leaf Valeo 6
- Leaf Valeo 11
- Leaf Valeo 17
- Leaf Valeo 22
- Leaf Volare
- Leica Digilux 2
- Leica Digilux 3
- Leica D-LUX2
- Leica D-LUX3
- Leica D-LUX4
- Leica V-LUX1
- Logitech Fotoman Pixtura
- Mamiya ZD
- Micron 2010
- Minolta RD175
- Minolta DiMAGE 5
- Minolta DiMAGE 7
- Minolta DiMAGE 7i
- Minolta DiMAGE 7Hi
- Minolta DiMAGE A1
- Minolta DiMAGE A2
- Minolta DiMAGE A200
- Minolta DiMAGE G400
- Minolta DiMAGE G500
- Minolta DiMAGE G530
- Minolta DiMAGE G600
- Minolta DiMAGE Z2
- Minolta Alpha/Dynax/Maxxum 5D
- Minolta Alpha/Dynax/Maxxum 7D
- Motorola PIXL
- Nikon D1
- Nikon D1H
- Nikon D1X
- Nikon D2H
- Nikon D2Hs
- Nikon D2X
- Nikon D2Xs
- Nikon D3
- Nikon D3X
- Nikon D40
- Nikon D40X
- Nikon D50
- Nikon D60
- Nikon D70
- Nikon D70s
- Nikon D80
- Nikon D90
- Nikon D100
- Nikon D200
- Nikon D300
- Nikon D300s
- Nikon D700
- Nikon D3000
- Nikon D5000
- Nikon E700 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E800 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E880 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E900 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E950 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E990 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E995 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E2100 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E2500 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E3200 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E3700 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E4300 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E4500 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nikon E5000
- Nikon E5400
- Nikon E5700
- Nikon E8400
- Nikon E8700
- Nikon E8800
- Nikon Coolpix P6000
- Nikon Coolpix S6 ("DIAG RAW" hack)
- Nokia N95
- Olympus C3030Z
- Olympus C5050Z
- Olympus C5060WZ
- Olympus C7070WZ
- Olympus C70Z,C7000Z
- Olympus C740UZ
- Olympus C770UZ
- Olympus C8080WZ
- Olympus X200,D560Z,C350Z
- Olympus E-1
- Olympus E-3
- Olympus E-10
- Olympus E-20
- Olympus E-30
- Olympus E-300
- Olympus E-330
- Olympus E-400
- Olympus E-410
- Olympus E-420
- Olympus E-500
- Olympus E-510
- Olympus E-520
- Olympus E-620
- Olympus E-P1
- Olympus SP310
- Olympus SP320
- Olympus SP350
- Olympus SP500UZ
- Olympus SP510UZ
- Olympus SP550UZ
- Olympus SP560UZ
- Olympus SP570UZ
- Panasonic DMC-FZ8
- Panasonic DMC-FZ18
- Panasonic DMC-FZ28
- Panasonic DMC-FZ30
- Panasonic DMC-FZ35/FZ38
- Panasonic DMC-FZ50
- Panasonic DMC-FX150
- Panasonic DMC-G1
- Panasonic DMC-GH1
- Panasonic DMC-L1
- Panasonic DMC-L10
- Panasonic DMC-LC1
- Panasonic DMC-LX1
- Panasonic DMC-LX2
- Panasonic DMC-LX3
- Pentax *ist D
- Pentax *ist DL
- Pentax *ist DL2
- Pentax *ist DS
- Pentax *ist DS2
- Pentax K10D
- Pentax K20D
- Pentax K100D
- Pentax K100D Super
- Pentax K200D
- Pentax K2000/K-m
- Pentax K-7
- Pentax Optio S
- Pentax Optio S4
- Pentax Optio 33WR
- Pentax Optio 750Z
- Phase One LightPhase
- Phase One H 10
- Phase One H 20
- Phase One H 25
- Phase One P 20
- Phase One P 25
- Phase One P 30
- Phase One P 45
- Phase One P 45+
- Pixelink A782
- Polaroid x530
- Rollei d530flex
- RoverShot 3320af
- Samsung GX-1S
- Samsung GX-10
- Samsung S85 (hacked)
- Samsung S850 (hacked)
- Sarnoff 4096x5440
- Sigma SD9
- Sigma SD10
- Sigma SD14
- Sinar 3072x2048
- Sinar 4080x4080
- Sinar 4080x5440
- Sinar STI format
- SMaL Ultra-Pocket 3
- SMaL Ultra-Pocket 4
- SMaL Ultra-Pocket 5
- Sony DSC-F828
- Sony DSC-R1
- Sony DSC-V3
- Sony DSLR-A100
- Sony DSLR-A200
- Sony DSLR-A300
- Sony DSLR-A330
- Sony DSLR-A350
- Sony DSLR-A380
- Sony DSLR-A700
- Sony DSLR-A850
- Sony DSLR-A900
- Sony XCD-SX910CR
- STV680 VGA
Don't see yours... Let us know
Supported Computers
Windows, all versions.
System Requirements
Operating System: Windows
RAM: 512mb recommended.
Program Disk Space: 5mb
Display: Should support True Color mode for best viewing.